An Anthroposophic Medicine research congress on concepts, research methods and implementation in clinical practice.
Research Congress | 3.-5.3.23 | Medizinische Sektion
Dear colleagues, professionals, students and researchers from all medical professions,
We hereby invite you all to the 2023 Anthroposophic Medicine Research Congress with the main topics of:
• One Health
• Life research: How to understand and study life and how to apply this knowledge in clinical practice
• The latest Anthroposophic Medicine research projects and results
Day 1: One Health
“One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.
The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and con-tributing to sustainable development.” (
Anthroposophic Medicine represents a holistic, integrative approach that considers human, animal and plant health in a common context and comprehensively promotes biodiversity and self-regulation. As an ecological medicine, it supports the One Health concept and strives for a comprehensive Sustainable Health & Health Care System by taking into account the environment, the social context and the economic conditions.
On Day 1 of the conference we will explore the One Health development and the contribution of Anthroposophic Medicine to this development, as well as the need for further integration of and cooperation between diverse domains and sectors.
Day 2: Life research
To explore and fully understand the conditions of life and life itself, the methods and concepts of conventional (natural) science, based on a (post)modern worldview, do not appear to be sufficient. They need to be matched by methods and concepts from spiritual science. What are the consequences, challenges and opportunities/chances of an integrated holistic, i.e. natural and spiritual science based concept of life for science and for healthcare practice?
On the second day of the congress we will first explore the contributions and limitations of conventional concepts of life and how spiritual science can help to improve our understanding of life. Then we will examine how we can study life in nature (plants, animals) and medicine; which conventional and anthroposophic methods can be used and what kind of results do they ‘produce’? Subsequently we will hear how and with which results life processes are studied and addressed in Anthroposophic Medicine, for example in Anthroposophic Medicine diagnostics, eurythmy therapy, physiotherapy, biography work, psychotherapy, pharmacy, and art therapy nursing, and also in bio-dynamic agriculture and Waldorf education. In eight workshops these and other topics will be discussed further.
Day 3: Anthroposophic Medicine research
On the last day of the congress we will have parallel workshop sessions where all latest research projects on Anthroposophic Medicine research will be presented and discussed. The congress will end with a plenary discussion on four questions:
• What did we learn from the congress that is important for the future development of Anthroposophic Medicine?
• Where do we stand with the concepts, methods and implementation of life knowledge?
• Which questions do we have to answer through our research in the next 10 years?
• How can we collaborate within and outside of Anthroposophic Medicine?
The congress is primarily meant for Anthroposophic Medicine healthcare professionals, healthcare students and researchers.
For the preparatory group
Georg Soldner, MD and Prof. Dr. Erik W. Baars